Daily rants of Trey B. and some select friends, living in Houston TX. Its for his friends, family, co-workers, and those who don't know him but really have nothing better to do. Please leave comments,.. good comments will be added to the posts, and might even get you an guest account to Forknlife.

Monday, March 22, 2004

You'd thought I has missed a day... BUT NO! or should I say Know, that I would never do that...

Well exciting news.. We had the yard mulched today,.. Its looks great!! !
We are truly Turing into suburbanites....
I guess it would be somewhere between Yuppies and Gen X'ers...

Yuxxers? Genneppies?

BTW - A co-worker of mine completely blames my 1 hr commute on destroying my social life and turning me into a 'Dork' and a 'Zombie'.
He said all people with that long of a commute start being like those in the movie Dawn of the dead..
I don't think so... but then again here I was waking up to go to work this morning...

On a different note....

My friend Steph has a date with someone she meet on Yahoo Chat,..

Hello my future girlfriend!
You have got to check out his site, if you have not seen (and heard it) yet... its special

And finally for comic relief a couple of shots from around the web, and their interesting captions...

And it wasn't until that moment that Sheila realized the day spa 'day of beauty' was to be HER LAST!!!

1 Shot - I'm cool, 4 Shots - I'm a god!, 8 Shotz,... an I;m annn a,.. uh a drunk god?

Hey Ladies,.. Come to grandpa,.. oh yea,.. you know it....

Jimbo (with his personal chalk board eraser in hand) shows us his new... 'sexy dance'...

And finally...

When all else failed... Jimmy resorted to playing... find the prize in the Christmas hat, as I dress as your cousin Louise!



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