Daily rants of Trey B. and some select friends, living in Houston TX. Its for his friends, family, co-workers, and those who don't know him but really have nothing better to do. Please leave comments,.. good comments will be added to the posts, and might even get you an guest account to Forknlife.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Now lets example all of the elements that make up a good office environment:
1. At least 3 computers
a. One old laptop waiting to be returned to the IT department but holding on just incase that one tidbit of data hasn't been moved across.
b. One server, (Not in the server room) because once you give up control of a box you loose all control and dominion over it... it needs to be in kicking range
c. One laptop (1.6Ghz) but after the corporate standard image, security, firewall, spyware, backups, virus checking, and software maintenance components, it operates at a swifty 16Mhz!!

2. A fan for those days when you get the announcement for the building management that the AC will be out (or the power for that matter).

3. TONS of printouts and product brochures,.. If its such a digital world why do I have so much crap on my desk...

4. Extra Large Coffee mug, for the necessary amount of caffeine (please note that under typically circumstances this much caffeine could kill an elephant, but in cases of such extreme boredom and mental un-stimulating, it just about keeps me awake...)

5. The (fire hazard) rats nest of wires (supporting all of the electronics notes in item number 1 above)

6. The obligatory picture of my wife.. Its the one nice thing on my desk

7. The dark blue wall (which closely matches my companies primary color)-- reminding one of the vast emptiness of deep space...

Copyright Forknworld 2004


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