Daily rants of Trey B. and some select friends, living in Houston TX. Its for his friends, family, co-workers, and those who don't know him but really have nothing better to do. Please leave comments,.. good comments will be added to the posts, and might even get you an guest account to Forknlife.

Monday, March 29, 2004

Well the end of another day... Day 12 for the blog!

The counter is still climbing '121' unique hits 9.6 a day, thanks everyone for there interest and all of the suggestions for the blog...

A couple of good meetings today, but still need to concentrate on preparing for teaching those classes here and around the world.

And now we preview the completely new and re-engineered coffee make.
Note that the following design was built for six times over budget, and took 4 years to design and build, by the best engineers we could find, who had never tried coffee themselves....

And the amazing thing is that it still doesn't work half the time and the coffee has a greenish tint to it... Be we call it a success anyway!!

But don't fret,.. Engineering coffee make version 2.0 is do out in 4 & 1/2 more years (unless we slip the estimate), is based on no client feedback, but will be a 'usability release' and looks something like this:

BTW - It also will not work worth a damn

And lastly, In an effort to toughen up thier image Mike Roe Soft (changed to protect me a from a LAW SUIT)
announce the release of:

MS WORD! up!

Available at your neeraest hizzel!


Blogger Alexie said...

Hi! They look very soft. Beautiful!
Life insurance resources

4:04 AM


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