Daily rants of Trey B. and some select friends, living in Houston TX. Its for his friends, family, co-workers, and those who don't know him but really have nothing better to do. Please leave comments,.. good comments will be added to the posts, and might even get you an guest account to Forknlife.

Friday, April 30, 2004

Well Hello From TOKYO!
I,ve just arraived in Japan for my 8 hr stay before heading back home to Houston.
If my typing is worse than ususal its because the keyboard has like at least 3 assimnets for every key.
I will try to get a couple of pictures here, but unfortunatly I will not be anywhere but the airport...
Just think another scant 19hrs.... and Ill be home!!!
I am really looking forward to seeing how much Tish has grown (Bellywise)...

Its really cool here because I am using a free internett service provided by Yahoo Japan.
I am anxious to try some food here too... mabye even some SUSHI!

The day rooms at the Airport are all booked, but there are some open couches that look inviting, perhase I will get a couple of hours shut eye... cause I cant really sleep on theplane, and I dont wan to be too wasted when I see Tish for the first time in 15 days.

I really recommend Indonesia for travel )especially once everything calms down a bit more. They guys that are staying behind )to complete the second half of the classes) are going to Bali this weekend.. total cost like 200 US... including all meals airfare, hotel... etc and diving
TOO COOL... if Iddnt miss Tish so much I would have changed my shedule..

Anywho... I have no ide ahwat I am going to do after this, but I guess I will walk the shops (etc)I wont speel check this cause it will take too long and I am way too tired..

Best to everyone...

Trey signing off - 9:40 AM Tokyo Japan


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